Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Philippians 4:13

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

I have always doubted on myself and on what I can do. Whenever there's a responsibility that is being given to me, I always feel that there's something lacking in me to perform the task successfully. And perhaps there really is something lacking. But why do I always finish the work being given to me? Its because somebody fills up for what is lacking in me. Somebody so great that words cannot describe. Yes it is Jesus who fills up my incompetence. He always provides. With Him by my side, I shall fear nothing. I can do anything.

I've had bi-polar disease for a few years now. I've had difficulty in concentrating and in learning new things. I've had super low moments that I sometimes feel like just staying in my bed all my life and do nothing. I feel like I do not enjoy doing anything and thus doing nothing seems to be a better option than struggling to live. But God doesn't allow me to wallow in my depressed emotions. He will always use people around me to remind me of the things I need to do, the things that I am capable of doing, and the things that I once enjoyed. He always tells me how to cope with my disorder. Thank God he uses my friends and family to tell me He doesn't leave me alone. And thus I can truly say, "With God, nothing is impossible and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".

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